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Things never happen as you plan them............

Sometimes they are much better. My waters broke at 10 pm on Tuesday night. I delivered Liam at 3:49 pm on Wednesday September 27th, 2006. It was a wonderful, joyous experience from start to finish. I will post the birth story later. For now, here are some pictures. Thank you all for your good wishes and support. I couldn't have made this journey without you. At risk of outing myself. I'll give you some details. I'll probably take them down in a few days.
Baby L.
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 at 15:49
7lbs 8oz
20 inches


38 weeks!

Warning: At risk of sounding like an ungrateful bitch- this post contains copious whining. You all know I wouldn't change this situation for the world but I am I don't know what to do with myself. I just want to lie down and read a book or surf the net but my house is like a bomb hit it and so I feel guilty because I should be putting things away but I'm overwhelmed because I don't know where to start. B is at school and he has been working so hard and still has waited on me hand and foot and I really should have dinner ready for him when he gets home tonight but the thought of cooking dinner is overwhelming. If tidying the kitchen and cooking dinner is overwhelming then how am I going to manage being the mother of an infant, which is something I still can't get my head around and at the same time I wish he would come out already because I am so big and I can't beathe and my cervix is nowhere to be found and there are still no beds at the hospital and my pubic bones hurt and my heel hurts and I can't sleep and my arms go numb and everybody thinks it funny because I'm a control freak who has no control and I want to tell them all to fuck off! Thursday can't come soon enough!!


37 Weeks.

L is now full term and can come at any time. However, he seems to be totally comfortable in his Mammy's tummy despite the fact that she can't sleep and prowls the house at night. His Mammy also has a cervix that is completely closed so it doesn't look like anything is going to happen here anytime soon. My 37 week check went well. My blood pressure is good. I do not have a UTI. Beta strep negative. The hospital where I am supposed to deliver is full and they are diverting labor and delivery patients to the hospital where Brit*ney delivered. Aaaaaaggghh. Maybe I'm glad my cervix is still closed. Perhaps I should cross my legs as well, just in case. In reality, my doctor is not on staff at that hospital so I won't be going there but to another hospital across town which in Los Angeles terms means the other end of the universe depending on the time of day. I am not going to get upset yet because this crisis will hopefully have passed by the time anything happens in my nether regions. I The hospital where I am scheduled to deliver is one where I have worked since 1995 although I don't work there now, I still have ties there. It is an excellent hospital with great nurses and doctors. I know who my anaesthesiologist will be if I have a c-section in Sept 28th- I know he's great. I know who I don't want as my anaesthesiologist if I go into labor before the 28th and I have a couple who will come in for me. My friends who are great nurses will take care of me. If I go to the other hospital- I know no-one and the nurses have a bad reputation in general. As I said though, I'm not freaking out...........yet! I'd prefer to deliver in the car park of my chosen hospital than the VIP suite of the other one. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. In the meantime, me and my fat ankles are just hanging out at home, working part-time and waiting for the nesting instinct to hit. B wishes it would hit too. I'm a lazy slob!!! I'm still having mild cramping in the evening. So far it has amounted to nought. Have a great weekend!


36 weeks and 3 days

I know, I know- I spoil you guys, two posts in two days!!!!! I want to write down every little twitch so I can look back and remember. Still no results on my urine culture, still no symptoms. I'm working part-time 18 hours a week- This seems more stressful than full-time because I'm trying to cram 50 hours of work into 18 hours- I need to let it go. Last night and tonight I have what I would describe as mild to moderate period cramps. Does that mean something is happening with my cervix? The little man is like a bloody jumping bean- so much for not having room to move around at this stage. He's done the Mexican wave at least three times an hour this evening. Whenever I think- oh my, he's not moving much and I settle down to do some kick counts- it takes about 10 minutes to get to 10. Whatever game he's watching his team are winning!!


36 Weeks & 2 Days

I suppose a little update is in order. I really am just a lazy slob. B has decided I will need reorientation to the kitchen soon so that I will someday be able to prepare another meal or load the dishwasher. A few weeks ago, I asked you to guess the baby's name- It begins with L. Quite a few of you guessed right. Liam. I think for now I will refer to him as L. Maybe after he arrives I can give him a blog name. We'll see. At my 36 week appointment, my cervix was closed and firm. My urine was pretty smelly though- Yuck. I have no symptoms though. Dr Y. sent a sample for culture- should be back tomorrow. She gave me a Rx for an antibiotic in case I became symptomatic over the weekend which I have not. My urine seems to have cleared up a little but we'll see what the culture shows. Dr Y says it is hard to measure his weight because ultrasound uses head circumference and femur length and L has a big head (like his father) and short legs (like his mother). I thought "great- that sounds attractive". The measurements show he weighs about 7.5 lbs. Yikes!! She says I don't have a particularly wide passageway for delivery-not a lot of space in there. That makes me so proud!! I am by no means a small girl on the outside but on the inside-small. HeHe. My friends have all been amazed that control freak Portlairge has not reared her ugly head too often in this pregnancy- They don't understand what infertility can do. For me in a way it was a good thing (I don't recommend it as a therapy for control freaks though) because I couldn't control it and had to learn to be more accepting-to roll with the punches as it were. I controlled what I could and tried to go with the flow. Here I am less than 4 weeks from my due date and the nursery is no where near ready because of delays beyond our control in readying B's new office- the electrician didn't show up twice, we are both working full time and now B is in school full time and I can barely move. The joke is L can sleep in a drawer when he arrives!!!!!!!! In truth, he will sleep in his bassinet thingy in our room which would happen even if he had a nursery. It has a changing table and I have a recliner/rocker to sit in to feed him. What more do I need? So........ what can I control? Hmmmmmmmmm. I may go into labor at anytime so I can't control that so, what to do, what to do. I know, how about the fact that I am done being pregnant. I don't want to go over 39 weeks. There is no issue about my dates being wrong. L was conceived in a petri dish on January 13th 2006. I will be 39 weeks pregnant on September 29th so I've scheduled an elective c-section for September 28th 2006 at 12:30pm. If I go into labor before that, so be it but if I don't go into labor by then, he's coming out anyway. So now, I just sit back and wait. Strangely enough this decision has left me quite relaxed. I'm not scared of labor, I'm not scared of surgery. I'm expecting to feel nauseous from the medication with some vomiting thrown in, have low blood pressure, a jaundiced baby who won't latch and has colic for six months. I'm not trying to be glib. There are so many things that could go horribly wrong and I can't think about that. Then there are the things that aren't necessarily complications but could make life difficult for a while and that's what I am preparing for. I have no preconceived notions of the joys of motherhood but I do want to get this show on the road. God, I have rambled on, haven't I? I have written this post to try and clarify my thoughts. I feel happy about this decision- it works for me and my family- it is not intended to open a discussion on whether I am right or wrong. There are pros and cons to every birth method. I would love your comments regarding what you did and what worked, what didn't work and whether you regretted your decision afterwards. If anyone wants to ask questions- I will gladly answer. If you want to judge me for my decision, don't bother, just leave now.
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