36 Weeks & 2 Days
I suppose a little update is in order. I really am just a lazy slob. B has decided I will need reorientation to the kitchen soon so that I will someday be able to prepare another meal or load the dishwasher.
A few weeks ago, I asked you to guess the baby's name- It begins with L. Quite a few of you guessed right. Liam. I think for now I will refer to him as L. Maybe after he arrives I can give him a blog name. We'll see.
At my 36 week appointment, my cervix was closed and firm. My urine was pretty smelly though- Yuck. I have no symptoms though. Dr Y. sent a sample for culture- should be back tomorrow. She gave me a Rx for an antibiotic in case I became symptomatic over the weekend which I have not. My urine seems to have cleared up a little but we'll see what the culture shows. Dr Y says it is hard to measure his weight because ultrasound uses head circumference and femur length and L has a big head (like his father) and short legs (like his mother). I thought "great- that sounds attractive". The measurements show he weighs about 7.5 lbs. Yikes!! She says I don't have a particularly wide passageway for delivery-not a lot of space in there. That makes me so proud!! I am by no means a small girl on the outside but on the inside-small. HeHe.
My friends have all been amazed that control freak Portlairge has not reared her ugly head too often in this pregnancy- They don't understand what infertility can do. For me in a way it was a good thing (I don't recommend it as a therapy for control freaks though) because I couldn't control it and had to learn to be more accepting-to roll with the punches as it were. I controlled what I could and tried to go with the flow. Here I am less than 4 weeks from my due date and the nursery is no where near ready because of delays beyond our control in readying B's new office- the electrician didn't show up twice, we are both working full time and now B is in school full time and I can barely move. The joke is L can sleep in a drawer when he arrives!!!!!!!! In truth, he will sleep in his bassinet thingy in our room which would happen even if he had a nursery. It has a changing table and I have a recliner/rocker to sit in to feed him. What more do I need? So........ what can I control? Hmmmmmmmmm. I may go into labor at anytime so I can't control that so, what to do, what to do. I know, how about the fact that I am done being pregnant. I don't want to go over 39 weeks. There is no issue about my dates being wrong. L was conceived in a petri dish on January 13th 2006. I will be 39 weeks pregnant on September 29th so I've scheduled an elective c-section for September 28th 2006 at 12:30pm. If I go into labor before that, so be it but if I don't go into labor by then, he's coming out anyway. So now, I just sit back and wait. Strangely enough this decision has left me quite relaxed. I'm not scared of labor, I'm not scared of surgery. I'm expecting to feel nauseous from the medication with some vomiting thrown in, have low blood pressure, a jaundiced baby who won't latch and has colic for six months. I'm not trying to be glib. There are so many things that could go horribly wrong and I can't think about that. Then there are the things that aren't necessarily complications but could make life difficult for a while and that's what I am preparing for. I have no preconceived notions of the joys of motherhood but I do want to get this show on the road.
God, I have rambled on, haven't I? I have written this post to try and clarify my thoughts. I feel happy about this decision- it works for me and my family- it is not intended to open a discussion on whether I am right or wrong. There are pros and cons to every birth method. I would love your comments regarding what you did and what worked, what didn't work and whether you regretted your decision afterwards. If anyone wants to ask questions- I will gladly answer. If you want to judge me for my decision, don't bother, just leave now.
WOW!!! I can't believe you are already 36 weeks! I wish you the best of luck!
formerly "We Dream of Baby"
Thinking of you and wishing you and your family well!
I think the C-section is a brilliant idea!
Take care,
Hi pardner- Have my 36.5 wk appt on Wed. Curious to see whether I'll be scheduling a c, too. (Am assuming so bc Cletus has been transverse my entire pregnancy-- don't have much hope that he/she will miraculously move into a better position.) Mr Limbo and I have done jack to arrange the nursery. In fact, it hasn't even been painted yet bc the construction guys are still trampling thru that room to get to the bathroom they are waaay behind in gutting. Ehhhh. We'll survive. Thanks for the update!! Keep em coming.
You sound very pregnant :c)
It's a surreal time, you brought me rigt back there with this post, thanks, it's been almost 2 years since I was 36 weeks pregnant.
Stay well Liam Og, stay put till you're ready or your Mammy decides to evict you, I evicted my lad, he had a lovely round head and no bruises.
Good luck Portlairge, will be thinking of you!
I guess I didn't realize our due dates are 3 days apart.
Good luck with your c-section. If I may ask, why are you having that?
Much luck to you!
Hi Kellie:
In response to your comment- the boy is big and I don’t want to go beyond 39 weeks. If I need to be induced I just want to go straight for caesarean as my risk of having caesarean increases anyway with induction. If I go into labor before September 28th then I’ll let the chips fall as they may. I’m interested in your take on it as you are a surgeon. All my doctor friends- male and female have said their choice is elective caesarean because it’s safer. Having read this though http://consensus.nih.gov/2006/2006CSectionSOS027html.htm, I don’t necessarily believe that’s true. There are pros & cons for each. I just feel that this is the best way for me. It’s made me much more relaxed about the whole thing- I’m not sure why- a definite end date? Maybe.
10 years on and I still love the name Liam. Excellent choice! Are you willing to divulge the middle name? (I'm nosy like that.)
I chose a c-section with this last baby because I didn't want to be induced only to fail at delivering naturally. My 3 previous deliveries were all inductions; first was forceps, second vacuum and third ended in a section. I wanted to go into labour on my own and was willing to go to 42 weeks. My doctor and husband were not and the baby was born at 40 weeks, 4 days. I haven't yet posted my birth story but when I do I think I will say I regret my decision...not so much because of the section but because I didn't insist on waiting.
Sorry I blabbed so much!
It's so good to hear how things are going! I've been checking in, hoping to hear from you and I was happily surprised. It sounds like all is going well and remember, a baby doesn't need much. A drawer is really ALL they need so don't stress too much over the nursery!
Congrats on 36 weeks!!
Hi Emma:
I will post all his names when he is born- just in case we change our minds.
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