Am I missing something here?
See this story. You may have to register for a free subscription so I've quoted a bit below
Parents of birth date error baby may take legal action - Irish Independent:
"On the first day of the inquest in December last year, midwife Winifred Berkley told the court that following an ultrasound scan in February 2003 she had inadvertently written a due date of July 13 on Mrs Darcy Lampf's file when it should have read August 16.
Mrs Darcy Lampf noticed the mistake and, when she returned to the hospital the following month for a routine check-up, alerted the doctor to the mistake. She was reassured that staff realised her true due date was in August and not July.
Mrs Darcy Lampf had delivered her first two children by caesarean section so doctors decided that she would do the same again with Jessica.
On her next check-up she again told the midwife that an error had been made in her file but was told 'not to worry'.
However, when she next attended the hospital in June a doctor told her she was 37 weeks rather than the expected 32 weeks pregnant and would now deliver in July.
When she came in for her final check-up a week later, she was told by consultant obstetrician Dr Seosaimh O Coigligh that she was now 38 weeks pregnant and would undergo the caesarean on July 8.
It was only when doctors delivered the 5.5lb baby that they realised their error. "
Helllllllloooooooooo!! If you knew they were making a mistake, why would you consent to the surgery. Even, if the consultants in Ireland act like God for the most part. I mean did his woman get brow beaten into surgery? Her child died which must be agonizing for her and her husband and it may be that something else was wrong because I'm sure at 32 weeks, most infants will survive but, why did she consent to the surgery?